Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/750

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744 INDEX Euroys, John de, prb. Southwell, 447. Eustace, archd. Richmond, 136. Eustachius, treas. York, 158. Euston, Earl of, burg. Cambridge, 652. Evans, Abraham, tax. Cambridge, 644. Evans, George, can. Windsor, 403. Evans, John, proc. Cambridge, 628. Evans, John Harrison, proc. Cam- bridge, 634. Evans, Michael, prb. Chester, 271. Evans, Michael, ])rb. Westminster, 363. Evans, Robert, proc. Oxford, 304. Evans, Robert, prb. York, 168. Evans, Robert, mast. Magdalene coll. Cambridge, 694. Evans, Thomas, j)rb. ^Vorcester, 82, 88. Evans, Thomas, archd. Worcester, 76. Evelegh, John, proc. Oxford, 490. Eveleigh, John, prin. Hart hall, Ox- ford, 583. Eveleigh, John, prov. Oriel coll. Ox- ford, 551. Ever, Richard, prb. Worcester, 81. Everard, Nicholas, prb. York, 171, 189. Everard, Nicholas, pre. York, 156. Everard, William, tax. Cambridge, 642. Eveidon, Silvester de, bp. Carlisle, 232. Everett,William, proc. Oxford, 302. Everingham, Adam de, prb. Southwell, 462. Everingham, Adam de, prb. York, 191. Everleigh, James, prb. York, 223. Every, Simon, proc. Cambridge, 626. Everyngham, Adam de, prb. York, 191. Evesham, Hugh de, prb. York, 178. Evesham, Hugh de, archd. Worcester, Evesham, John de, (Worcester,) 57. Evesham, Silvester de,bp. Worcester,5 1 . Evesham, Simon of, pre. York, 154. Evesham, Simon de, archd. East- Riding, Evesham, Simon de, archd. Richmond, 137- Evotts, John, subd. ork, 129. Ewbank, Henry, prl). Durham, 318. Ewelme,Nicholas de, chan. Oxford, 463. Ewen, William, prin. Hart hall, Ox- ford, 583. Ewer, John, can. Windsor, 408. Excestria, John de, ])rb. York, 183. Excestria, John de, chan. York, 163. Exeter or Exon, William de, subd. York, 128. Exon, Wilham de, ])rb. York, 209. Exon or Exeter, William de, subd. York, 128. Exon or Oxon, alias Gernsey, John de, bj). Winchester, 10. Exton, John, can. W^indsor, 382. Kxton, Richard, prb. Winchester, 41. Exton, sirThos., burg. Cambridge, 630. Exton, sir Thomas, mast. Trinity hall, Cambridge, 680. Eyans, John, proc. Oxford, 496. Eyer, John, prb. York, 171. Eyre, Anthony, Fountayne, prb. York, 194. Eyre, Charles W., prb. York, 216. Eyre, Christopher, prb. Winchester, 39. Eyre, Giles, prb. Westminster, 359. Eyre, Gyles, prb. York, 195. Eyre, Henry, tax. Cambridge, 638. Eyre, John, prb. Southwell, 440. Eyre, John, prb. York, 168. Eyre, John, proc. Oxford, 499. Eyre, John, archd. Nottingham, 153. Eyre, Robert, prb. Winchester, 36. Eyre, Robert, proc. Oxford, 498. Eyre, Samuel, prb. Durham, 311. Eyre, Seth, proc. Oxford, 497. Eyre, Venn, archd. Carlisle, 250. Eyres, Charles, tax. Cambridge, 649. F. Faber, Geo. Stanley, proc. Oxford, 302. Fairbrother, William, proc. Cambridge, 624. Fairclough, Will. proc. Cambridge, 630. Fairfax, Brian, prb. York, 199. Fairfax, Brian, pre. York, 155. Fairfax, Henry, prb. York, 188. Fairfax, Thomas, prb. Carlisle, 233. Fairfax, Bogo de, treas. York, 159. Fairmeadow, Thomas, proc. Cambridge, 626. Fairmeadow,Thos., tax. Cambridge,639. Falewcll, Wilham, can. Windsor, 382. Fall, James, pre. York, 137. Fall, James, archd. Cleveland, 149. Falle, Philip, ])rb. Durham, 312. Fallowfield, Christopher, prin. Edmund Hall, Oxford, 593. Fane, John, chan. Oxford, 470. Fangef or Fangfisse, Robert de, archd. Gloucester, 77. Fangfisse, Robert de, archd. Glouces- ter, 77. Fanshaw, John, Reg. prof. div. Oxford, 510. Fanshaw, John, Reg. prof. Greek, Ox- ford, 517. Fanshawe, sir Richard, burg. Cam- bridge, 630. Farand, Wilham, proc. Cambridge, 619.