Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/753

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N M I N U M. 747 Fleming, William, prb. Carlisle, 254. Fleming, William, archfl. Carlisle, 250. Flemming, John, proc. Oxford, 491. Flemmyng, John, ward. Wadham coll. Oxford, 577. Flemmyng, Rich., prb. York, 199, 205. Flemmyng, Richard, proc. Oxford, 480. Flemmyng, Richard, (York) no. Flemmyng, Robert, proc. Oxford, 482. Fletcher, John, prb. Carlisle, 255. Fletcher, Jonathan, archd. Man, 329. Fletcher, Richard, bp. Worcester, 66. Fletcher, Walter, prb. York, 180. Fletcher, Walter, chan. Carlisle, 251. Flick, Nathaniel, proc. Cambridge, 622. Flisco, Adrian de, archd. Cleveland, 145. Flisco, Innocent de, archd. Cleveland, 146. Flisco, John de, John son of, prb. ork, Flisco, Manuel de, prb. York, 168. Flisco, Manuel de, archd. Nottingham, 150. Fhsco, William de, prb. York, 181, 215. Florens, William, prb. Carlisle, 252. Florentia, James Sinebaldi de, archd. Winchester, 25. Flower, George, prb. Carlisle, 255. Flower, Thomas, proc. Oxford, 486. Foche, Henry, proc. Cambridge, 628. Foderingey, Walter de, ward. Balliol coll. Oxford, 539. Fogg, John, prb. York, 175. Fogg, Lawrence, tax. Cambridge, 638. Fogg. Lawrence, dn. Chester, 265. Fogge, Arthur, j)rb. Chester, 271. Fogge, Laurence, prb. Chester, 271. Folber)', George, mast. Pembroke coll. Cambridge, 674. Foley, John, proc. Oxford, 500, 504. Foord, Bernard, prb. York, 218. Foord, William, tax. Cambridge, 642. Forbes, Alexander, prb. Winchester, 43. Ford, Henry, L. Aim. read. Arab. Ox- ford, 532. Ford, Ilenry, prin. Magdalen hall, Ox- ford, 587. Ford, James, proc. Oxford, 502. Ford, Philip, prb. York, 214. Ford, Robert de la, prb. York, 206. Fordliarn, Will., tax. Cambridge, 642. Fordham, John de, |)rb. York, 203,21 r. P'ordharn, John de, l>p. Durham, 290. Forest, John, prb. Southwell, 419. Forester, 'I'homas, prb. York, 169. Forrest, John, i)rb. York, iHi. ForrcHt, John, archd. Surrey, 29. Forrester, 'rowriHenfJ, |>r}).Worcester,87. Forrester, Will., archd. Winchester, 26. Forster, John, prb. York, 187, 203. '■■ Forster, John, proc. Oxford, 484. ■ Forster, John, prin. Albanhall, Oxford, Forster, Ralph, proc. Cambridge, 630. Forster, Wilhara, prb. Chester, 270. Forster, William, bp. Sodor and Man, 327- Fortescue, James, proc. Oxford, 499. Fortescue, Hon. John, prb. Worcester, 84. Forth, Rob. de la, prb. Southwell, 434. Fortho, John, proc. Cambridge, 621. Fossey, Wilham, proc. Oxford, 486. Foster, Henry, proc. Oxford, 490. Foster, James, proc. Oxford, 500. Foster, John, can. AVindsor, 410. Foster, John, proc. Oxford, 480. Foster, John, tax. Cambridge, 637. Foster, William, prb. Southwell, 433. Foston, Thomas, mast. University coll. Oxford, 536. Fothead, John, mast. Michael house, I Cambridge, 696. i Fotherby alias Grene, Simon, vice-chan. ! Oxford, 474. I Fothergill, George, prin. Edmund hall, Oxford, 595. Fothergill, John, prb. Southwell, 420. Fothergill, Thomas, prb. Durham, 313. Fothergill, Thomas, prb. York, 177. Fothergill, Thomas, prov. Queen's coll. Oxford, 553. Fothergill, Thomas, vice-chan. Oxford, 479- Foulkes, Henry, prin. Jesus coll. Ox- ford, 577. Foulkes, John, proc. Cambridge, 627. Foulkes, Peter, proc. Oxford, 496. Foulkes, Rob., proc. Cambridge, 628. Fountain, John, dn. York, 127. Fountain, Thomas, prb. Worcester, 87. Fountayne, John, can. Windsor, 408. Fourman, Thomas, pres. Queens' coll. Cambridge, 685. Fowell, John, proc. 0.xford, 499. Fowell, John, prof. mor. phil. Oxford, 524. Fowler, Chappell, proc. Cambridge, 628. I()wlcr, Humph., prb. Southwell, 460. Fowler, Robert, prb. Westtninslcr, 367. Fownes, Wm., proc. Cambridge, 627. Fo.x, Edward, prb. York, 207. Fox, Kdward, prov. King's coll. Cam- bridge, 683. Fox, John. prb. Weslminster, 352. 5 c 2