Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/762

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756 INDEX Hammond, Anthony, burg. Cambridge, 650. Hammond, Henry, pub. orat. Oxford, 535. Hammond, Thos., chan. Carlisle, 251. Hamo, j)re. York, 153. Hamo, treas. York, 158. Hamo, dn. York, 120. Hamond, Mainwaring, prb. Winches- ter, 40. Hampden, Renn Dickson, Reg. prof. div. Oxford, 511. Hampden, Renn Dickson, prof. mor. phil. Oxford, 525. Hampden, Renn Dickson, prin. St. Mary hall, Oxford, 585. Hampton or Haynton, Michael, chan. Cambridge, 598. Hamsterley, Ralph, proc. Oxford, 484. Hamsterley, Ralph, prin. Alban hall, Oxford, 590. Hamsterley, Ralph, mast. University coll. Oxford, 537. Hamsterley, WiUiam, prin. Edmund hall, Oxford, 593. Hamundus orWymundus or Reymun- dus, bp. Sodor and Man, 323. Hand, Henry Geo., tax. Cambridge, 649. Handson, .Tohn, Marg. prof. div. Cam- bridge, 654. Hanington or Havyngton, Edward, prin. New-Inn hall, Oxford, 588. Hanley, Roger, proc. Oxford, 484. Hannier, John, prb. ^Vorcester, 80. Hanmer, John, proc. Oxford, 491. Hansard or Hansherd, Henry, can. Windsor, 386. Hansherd, Henry, can. Windsor, 386. Hankedon, alias Launceston Richard de, can. Windsor, 379. Hannay, James, proc. Oxford, 504. Hannibell, Thomas, prb. York, 189. Hanslap, Henry, can. Windsor, 386. Hanson, Edward, pr]).York, 185. Hanson, John, archd. Richmond, 267. Hanworth, Hugh, prb. York, 184. Harbin, William, proc. Oxford, 503. Harcla, Hcrcley or Ilertley, Henry de, chan. Oxford, 464. Harcourt, Charles George Vernon, prb. Carlisle, 254. Harcourt, Leveson Venables Vernon, chan. York, 166. Harcourt, Vere, archd. Nottingham, 152. Hard, Thomas, proc. Cambridge, 633. Hardcastle, Thomas, ]Uoc. Oxford, f,oi. Hardcastle, Thomas, prof. Ang. Sax. Oxford, 531. Harding, John, proc. Oxford, 490. Harding, John, Reg. prof. Heb. Ox- ford, 514. Harding, John, pres. Magdalen coll. Oxford, r^62. Harding, John, bp. Bombay, 336. Harding, Thomas, Reg. prof. Heb. Ox- ford, 514. Harding, Wilham, proc. Oxford, 504. Hardyman, John, prb. Chester, 269. Hardyman,John,prb.Westminster,352. Hardyng, John, j)rb. Southwell, 429. Hardyng, Thomas, jirb. Winchester, 32. Hare, Francis, dn. Worcester, 72. Hare, Rol)crt, prb. Winchester, 34. Harewell,John de,archd. Worcester, 74. Hargrave, Christo., proc. Oxford, 488. Hargraves, Jas., prb. Westminster, 365. Hargreve, Christopher, rect. Lincoln coll. Oxford, 557. Harington, Richard, prin. Brasenose coll. Oxford, 565. Harley, John, prb, Worcester, 87. Harley, Hon. John, dn. Windsor, 377. Harley, Wilham, prb. Worcester, 87. Harley, William, ])rb. York, 222. Harling or Hailynge, Richard de, chan. Cambridge, 598. Harman, alias X'^eysey or Voysey, John, dn. Windsor, 373. Harmar, John, })ioc. Oxford, 490. Harmar, John, Reg. prof. Greek, Ox- ford, 516. Harmer, John, prb. Winchester, 37. Harmer, William, can. Windsor, 387. Harper,Thomas,vice-chan. Oxford, 474. Harj)sfield, Nicholas, Reg. prof. Greek, Oxford, 515. Harj)ur, Thomas, ward. Merton coll. Oxford, 544. Harrington, James, prb. York, 195. Harrington, James, subd. York, 130. Harrington, James, dn. York, 125. Harris, John, prb. Winchester, 38. Harris, John, proc. Oxford, 495. Harris, John, Reg. j)rof. Greek, Ox- ford, 516. Harris, Richard, prb. Worcester, 84. Harris, Robert, pres. Trinity coll. Ox- ford, 572. Harris, Samuel, prof. mod. hist. Cam- bridge, 664. Harris, Thomas, proc. Oxford 504. Harris, Hon. Thomas Alfred, prb. York, 208. Harris, William, prb. Winchester, 40. Harrison, Francis, proc. Oxford, 499. Harrison, John, proc. Cambridge, 623.