Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/771

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N M I N U M. 765 Illingworth, George, proc. Oxford, 501. Inett, Thomas, prb. Winchester, 41. Inett, Thomas, prb. Worcester, 84. Inge, William, archd. Surrey, 29. Ingelby, Henry de, prb. York, 168, 211. Ingleby, Henry de, prb. Southwell, 447. Inglis, Charles, bp. Nova Scotia, 335. Inglis, John, bp. Nova Scotia, 335. Inglis, sir Robert Harry, burg. Oxford, 508. Inglysset, . . . . , proc. Oxford, 484. Ingoll, Daniel, proc. Oxford, 492. Ingram, Edward Winnington, prb. Worcester, 89. Ingram, George, prb. Westminster, 365. Ingram, James, prof. Ang. Sax. Ox- ford, 531. Ingram, James, pres. Trinity coll. Ox- ford, 572. Ingram, Joseph, proc. Oxford, 500. Ingram, Robert de, proc. Oxford, 480. Inkbarrow, Rob., archd. Worcester, 75. Insula, John de, prb. York, 178. Insula, Peter de, prb. York, 174. Insula, Peter de, subdn. York, 128. Insula, Peter de, archd. Carlisle, 249. Insula, Robert de, bp. Durham, 287. Insula, Roger de, dn. York, 121. Ireland, David, proc. Oxford, 484. Ireland, John, prb. Westminster, 368. Ireland, John, dn. Westminster, 349. Ireland, Thomas, prb. Southwell, 454. Ireland, Thomas, prb. York, 206. Iremonger, Fredk., prb. Winchester, 36, Iremonger, Lascelles, prb. Winchester, 34. Ireton, Ralph de, bp. Carlisle, 233. Irford, John de, prb. York, 217. Irish, Thomas, proc. Oxford, 486. Ironside, Gilbert, prb. York, 218. Ironside, Gilbert, ward. Wadham coll. Oxford, 578. Ironside, Gilbert, vice-chan. Oxford, 478. Irj'sh, Thomas, prin. Hart hall, Ox- ford, 583. Isaacson, John Frederick, tax. Cam- bridge, 648. Isam or Iseham, Robert, can. Windsor, 395- Iseham, Robert, can. Windsor, 395. Isham, Edmund, ward. All Souls coll. Oxford, 560. l8ham,P^dmund,vice-chan. Oxford, 479. Isham, EuHeby, rect. Lincoln coll. Ox- f(ird, 55H. Isliam, EuHel)y, vice-chan. Oxford, 478. Itljell, 'J'homaa, mast. JesuH coll. Cam- bridge, 688. Ive, William, vice-chan. Oxford, 472. Ixworth, John, prb. Southwell, 451. Ixworth, John, prb, York, 175. Ixworth, John, archd. Worcester, 74. Ixworth, Rob., vice-chan. Oxford, 473. J. Jackson, Christopher, prb. York, 173. Jackson, Cyril, prb. Southwell, 439. Jackson, Cyril, dn. Christ Church, Ox- ford, 571. Jackson, James, proc. Cambridge, 623. Jackson, John, prb. Southwell, 433. Jackson, John, bp. Lincoln, 340. Jackson, Richard, prb. Chester, 272. Jackson, Richard, prb. York, 186. Jackson, Richard, tax. Cambridge, 643. Jackson, Thos., prb. Westminster, 367. Jackson, Thomas, prb. W^in Chester, 33. Jackson, Thos., proc. Cambridge, 624. Jackson, Thomas, Norr. prof. div. Cam- bridge, 665. Jackson, Thomas, pres. Corpus Christi coll. Oxford, 566. Jackson, Wilham, prb. Southwell, 420. Jackson, WiUiam, prb. York, 199, 208. Jackson, William, chan. Carlisle, 251. Jackson, William, Reg. prof. Greek, Oxford, 517. Jacob, Gisb., proc. Cambridge, 620. Jacob, Philip, prb. Winchester, 37. Jacobson, William, Reg. prof. div. Ox- ford, 511. Jacobson, William, pub. orat. Oxford, 536. Jaggard, John, tax. Cambridge, 640. Jaike, Wilham, prb. York, 195. James, earl Cornwallis,dn.Durham,300. James, Edward, j)rb. Winchester, 42. James, Francis, Reg. prof. civ. law, Ox- ford, 512. James, Henry, prb. York, 204. James, Henry, tax. Cambridge, 639. James, Henry, Reg. prof. div. Cam- bridge, 656. James, Henry, pres. Queens' coll. Cam- bridge, 685. James, Henry, vice-chan. Cambridge, 608. James, John Tliomas, bp. Calcutta, 336. James, Robert, prin. St. Mary hall, Ox- ford, 584. James, Thomas, prb. Worcester, 88. James, Thojnas, ward. All Souls coll. Oxford, f/)0. James, W'illiani, j)rb. Durham, 319. James, William, jjroc. Oxford, 503. JamcH, William, pub. orat. Oxford, 534.