Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/777

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N O M I N U M. 771 Langton, John, prb. York, 184. Langton, John, mast. Pembroke coll. Cambridge, 673. Langton, Nicholas, proc. Oxford, 483. Langton, Robert, prb. Southwell, 430. Langton, Robert, prb. York, 224. Langton, Robert, treas. York, 162. Langton, Thomas, prov. Queen's coll. Oxford, 552. Langton, Thomas, bp. Winchester, 16. Langton, "William, chan. York, 164. Langton, William, pre. York, 156. Langton, William, pres. Magdalen coll. Oxford, 562. Langton, alias Rotherefield or Ruder- feld, William de, (York,) 103. Langton, alias Ruderfeld, William de, dn. York, 121. Langton,John de,chan. Cambridge, 600. Langton,,archd.East-Riding,i42. Langton, Simon de, (York,) loi. Languselle, Bernard de, prb. York, 178. Langworth, Richard, dn. Chester, 264. Langworth, Richard, vice-chan. Cam- bridge, 604. Lanne, WiUiam de, Marg. prof. div. Oxford, 519. Lanne, William de, pres. St. John's coll. Oxford, 574. Lany, Benjamin, prb.Westminster,356. Lany, Benjamin, prb. Winchester, 35. Lany, Benj,, vice-chan. Cambridge, 606. Lany, Edward, mast. Pembroke coll. Cambridge, 675. Lany, Edw., vice-chan. Cambridge, 608. Lapworth, Edward, prof. nat. phil. Ox- ford, 520. LarbalestiefjJean, Tice doyen de Jersey, Large, Benjamin, prb. Westminster, 3.58. Larke, Robert, mast. Trinity hall, Cam- bridge, 670. Lascells, William, prb. York, 224. Lascell8,WilUam, chan. Cambridge, Coo. Lascy, John, prb. Southwell, 459. Lasher, Joshua, prof. anat. Oxford, 527. La.sher, Joshua, Reg. prof. med. Ox- ford, 513. Latcmcr or Latymer,William,prb. West- minster, 3,56. I^atewar, Richard, proc, Oxford, 490. I^'ithain, (jill>ert, proc. (Cambridge, 616. I^tham, (iill>ert ae, archd. Man, 329. Lathum, John, prb. Southwell, 441. Lathys, Robert, proc. Oxford, 4S4. I^timer, Hugh, lip. WorccHtcr, 63. Latvrncr or Lalemer, William, prb. WeHtiDinhtcr, 356. Laud, William, prb. Westminster, 356. Laud, William, proc. Oxford, 491. Laud, William, pres. St. John's coll. Oxford, 573. Laud, William, chan. Oxford, 469. Laugherne, alias Pecock, John, prb. Worcester, 85. Laughton, John, prb. Worcester, 83, 86. Laughton, Richard, proc. Cambridge, 627. Laughton or Leighton, Edward, prb. Westminster, 351. Launceston, alias Hankedon, Richard de, can. Windsor, 379. Laurence, archd. Durham, 302. Laurence, archd. Man, 329. Laurence, bp. Sodor and Man, 324. Laurence of Lincoln, archd. York, 132. Laurence, French, Reg. prof. civ. law, Oxford, 512. Lavannia, Henry de, prb. York, 168. Lavannia, Perceval de, prb. York, 225. Lavington, George, prb. Worcester, 83. Law, Hon. Charles Ewan, burg. Cam- bridge, 653. Law, Edmund, prb. Durham, 320. Law, Edmund, prof. mor. theol. Cam- bridge, 663. Law, Edmund, mast. Peter house, Cambridge, 669. Law, Edmund, archd. Carlisle, 250. Law, Edm., vice-chan. Cambridge, 610. Law, Edmund, bp. Carlisle, 245. Law, George Henry, prb. Carlisle, 252. Law, George Henry, bp. Chester, 263. Law, Henry, archd. Richmond, 268. Law, Henry George, prb. York, 174. Law, James Thomas, prl). Chester, 273. Law, John, prb. Carlisle, 253. Law, John, archd. Carlisle, 250. Lawford, Daniel, proc. Oxford, 493. I Lawley, Hon. Stephen W., subd. York, Lawrence, Giles, Reg. prof. Greek, 516. Lawrence, Richard, Reg. prof. Heb. Oxford, 515. Lawrence, Thomas, prb. Worcester, 85. , Lawrence, Thomas, Marg. prof. div. Oxford, 519. Lawrence, Thomas, mast. BalUol coll. Oxford, 541. LawHon, John, proc. Cambridge, 629. Lax, John, prb. York, 201. Lax, William, tax. Cambridge, 645. l^ax, William, Lownd. jtrof. astron. ('ambridgc, 6r»_rj. Layard, ('has. IVtcr, ])rl). Worcester, H4. Layhournc.ThoH., pr!>. Southwell, 430. 5 ^ ^