808 INDEX Stacpoole, Andrew D.,proc. Oxford, 504. Stacy, John, prb. York, 202. Staford, John, proc. Cainl)ridge, 616. Stafford, Andrew, prb. York, 198. Stafford, Edmund, dn. York, 124. Stafford, Edmund de, prb. York, 196. Staggins, Nicholas, prof. mus. Cam- bridge, 666. StainforthjWiUiara, prb. Southwell, 449. Stainforth, William, prl). York, 177, Stainsforth, Wilham, prb. York, 199. Stalman, William, proc. Oxford, 501. Stamford, Henry, (Durham,) 289. Stamford, Michael, tax. Cambridge, 639. Stanbanke, Rich., proc.Cambridge,6i6. Standish, John, prli. Worcester, 86. Standish, Ralph, proc Cambridge, 618. Standish, Rich., proc. Cambridge, 617. Standish, Richard, vice-chan. Cam- bridge, 603. Stanford, alias Coke, Roger, prb. Wor- cester, 86. Stanhope, Edward, prb. York, 177. Stanhope, George, pre. York, 157. Stanhope, Michael, can. Windsor, 408. Stanhope, Ralph, proc. Oxford, 484. Stanley, Edward, prb. W^inchester, 35. Stanley, Edward Geoffrey Smith, chan. Oxford, 470. Stanley, Francis, tax. Cambridge, 642. Stanley, James, prb. Southwell, 419. Stanley, James, prb. York, 183. Stanley, James, archd. Richmond, 140. Stanley,James,bp. Sodorand Man, 327. Stanley, Thomas, proc. Oxford, 497. Stanley, Thos., bp. Sodor and Man,326. Stanley, William, mast. Corpus Christi coll. Cambridge, 682. Stanley, William, vice-chan. Cambridge, 608. Stanley, Thomas de, prb. York, 169. Stanser, Robert, b}). Nova Scotia, 335. Stansfield, Eli, j)rb. Southwell, 460. Stanton, Henry de, chan. Oxford, 464. Stabylton, Miles, i)rb. Worcester, 79, Stapylton, Robert, mast. Balliol coll. Oxford, 540. Starkie,Thos.,;tax. Cambridge, 645, 646, Starkie, Thomas, Down. prof. law. Cambridge, 666. Stathern, Hugh de, archd. Gloucester, .77- Staunton, Edmund, pres. Corpus Christi coll. Oxford, 566. Staunton, Hcrvey de, prb. York, 194. Staunton, Jas. de, prb. Southwell, 423. Staynton, Clement, archd. Cleveland, 147. Stead, John, proc. Oxford, 497. Stear, William, prb. York, 221. Stebbing, Henry, tax. Caml)ridge, 643. Stedman, Sam., proc. Cambridge, 629. Stemp, Thos., prb. Winchester, 33, 40. Stephen, prb, Southwell, 434. Stephen, prb. York, 198, 226. Stephen, treas. York, 160. Stephen, archd. Surrey, 28. Stephen, archd. York, 133. Stephen, bp. Sodor and Man, 324. Stephen, Right Hon. sir James, prof, mod. hist. Cambridge, 664. Stephens, George, can. Windsor, 408. Stephens, Henry, prb. Winchester, 40. Stephens, Henry, proc. Oxford, 497. Stephens, Lewis, prb. Southwell, 420. Stephens, Lewis, prb. York, 172. Stephens, Louis, archd. Chester, 266. Stephens, Philip, proc. Oxford, 493. Stephens, Philip, prin. Hart hall, Ox- ford, 583. Stephens, Rich., proc. Cambridge, 627. Stephens, Richard, proc. Oxford, 502. Stephenson, Marc Anthony, proc. Cam- bridge, 631. Stephenson or Stevinson, William, prb. Durham, 316. Stepyn, Thomas,vice-clian. Oxford, 473. Sterne, Jaques, prb. Durham, 310. Sterne, Jaques, prb. Southwell, 434. Sterne, Jaques, prb. York, 167. Sterne, Jaques, pre. York, 157. Sterne, Jaques, archd. Cleveland, 149. Sterne, Jaques, archd. East-Riding, 144. Sterne, Lawrence, prb. York, 190, 204. Sterne, Richard, mast. Jesus coll. Cam- bridge, 688, 689. Sterne, Richard, bp. Carlisle, 243. Sterne, Richard, abp. York, 117. Stevens, John, proc. Oxford, 498. Stevens, Robert Stephen, proc. Oxford, 502. Stevens, Thomas, tax. Cambridge, 644. Stevenson, H. . . . J. . . . , hon. can. Worcester, 89. Steventon, Edwin, proc. Cambridge, 634. Stevinson or Stephenson, Wilham, prb. Durham, 316. Stevyn, Thomas,vice-chan. Oxford, 473. Stevyns, John, proc. Oxford, 486. Steward, Edmund, prb.Winchester, 32. Steward, Edmund, dn. Winchester, 21. Steward, Nicholas, burg. Cambridge, 649. Steward, Richard, ])rb. Worcester, 79. Steward, Richard, dn.Westminster,348. Steward, Zachary, prb. York, 169.