Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/821

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NOMINUM. 815 Tracy, John, ward. All Souls coll. Ox- ford, 560. Tracy Oliver de, archd. Surrey, 28. Traffics, Richard, ward. New coll. Ox- ford, 555. Trafford, Henry, prb. York, 223. Trafford, Henry, chan. York, 165. Trafford, Richard, proc. Oxford, 490. Trahern, Edward, proc. Oxford, 498. Tram, John, prb. Southwell, 421. Trant, William, proc. Cambridge, 628. Trapp, Joseph, prof. poet. Oxford, 529. Trappe, Richard, proc, Oxford, 484. Travis, George, prb. Chester, 272. Travis, George, archd. Chester, 267. Trebeck, Thomas, can. Ripon, 332. Treganson, John, prin. Hart hall, Ox- ford, 582. Tregory, Michael, proc. Oxford, 481. Trelawney, Charles, prb. Winchester, 41. Trelawney, sir Jonathan, bp. Winches- ter, 20. Tremayne, Charles, tax.Cambridge,642. Tremeliio, John Emmanuel, Reg. prof. Heb. Cambridge, 659. Tremellius, John Emmanuel, prb. Car- hsle, 253. Treng, Robert de, ward. Merton coll. Oxford, 543. Trengof, Walter, chan. Oxford, 467. Trengof or Treugof, Walter, chan. Ox- ford, 467. Tresham, William, vice-chan. Oxford, 475» 47^^- Tretis, Theobald de, prb. York, 168. Treton, Richard, mast. Corpus Christi coll. Cambridge, 68 r. Treugof or Trengof, Walter, chan. Ox- ford, 467. Trevor, George, prb. York, 168. Trevor, Richard, bp. Durham, 297. Trevor, Thos. Trevor, prb. Chester, 272. Trewynard, Michael, prin. Hart hall, Oxford, 582. Trickyngham, Lambert de, prb. South- well, 423. Trimnel, (Jharles, bp. Winchester, 20. Trimnel, William, dn. Winchester, 22. Triplet, Thomas, j)rb. Durham, 317. Tri[)Iett, 'I'hoH., prb. Westminster, 360. Triplett, Thomas, prb, York, iH-. TriHtro|)C, John, rect. I^incoln coll. Ox- ford, f,'/). TnHtropjX', John. nror. Oxford, 482. 'I'rott,, , , , ,|)riii. Marl hall, Oxford, 583. Trotter, Hugh, prb. Southwell, 441. Trotter, Hugh, j)rb. York, iHi. Trotter, Hugh, pre. V'ork, 156. Trotter, Hugh, trcas. York, 162. Troughear, Thomas, proc. Oxford, 497. Trowe, Gilbert, prof. bot. Oxford, 528. Trumbert or Tunberht, bp. Hexham, 277. Trumbull, sir Wm., burg. Oxford, 506. Truslove, Robert, prb. York, 221. Trym, Richard, proc. Cambridge, 621. Tuck, Geo. Rob., proc. Cambridge, 634. Tuckney, Anthony, Reg. prof. div.Cam- bridge, 656. Tuckney, Anthony, mast. Emmanuel coll. Cambridge, 701. Tuckney, Anthony, mast. St. John's coll, Cambridge, 693. Tuckney, Anthony, vice-chan. Cam- bridge, 606. Tuda or Tudd, bp. Lindisfarne, 276. Tudd, bp. Lindisfarne, 276. Tudway, Thomas, prof. mus. Cam- bridge, 666. Tullie, Thomas, prb. Carlisle, 254, 255. TuUie, Thomas, chan. Carlisle, 251. Tullie, Thomas, dn. Carlisle, 247. Tully, George, prb. York, 186, 216. TuUy, George, subdn.York, 130. Tully, Robert, vice-chan. Oxford, 473. Tully, Thomas, prin. Edmund hall, Oxford, 594. Tully, Timothy, prb. York, 190. Tunberht or Dunbertus,bp. Winchester, 5- Tunberht or Trumbert,bp,Hexham,277. Tunstall, Cuthbert, prb. York, 176. Tunstall. Cuthbert, bp. Durham, 293. Tunstall, Frederick, prb. Carlisle, 253. Tunstall, James, pub. orat. Cambridge, 614. Tunstall, Robert, tax. Cambridge, 636. Turberville, James, prb. Winchester, 33. Turgot, archd. Durham, 301. Turke, John, chan. Oxford, 46/^,. Turke, Thomas, prin. Hart hall, Ox- ford rj82. Turnbuil, Thomas Smith, proc. Cam- bridge, 633. Turnbuil, Wm., prb.Worcester, 84, 88. Turner, Francis, dn. Windsor, 376. TurruT, Francis, mast. St. John's coll. (';iml)ridge, 693, Turner, Francis, vice-chan. Cambridge, 607. Turner, (ieorge, jjrb. Winchester, 42. Turner, .lohn, |)roc. Canibriflge, 627. Turner, John, tax. ('uinbridge, 63rj, 'I'urner, Joiui Malth.. bj). CalcwMa, 336. Turner, Joseph, mast. Pembroke coll. Cambridge, 676,