Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/823

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N O M I N U M. 817 Valentine, James, Reg. prof. Greek, Cambridge, 660. Valet, Henry, prb. York, 225. Valoignes, Robert de, prb. York, 220. Valoines, Robert de, pre. York, 154. Van, John, vice-chan. Oxford, 472. Vanburgh, Robert, prb. Chester, 273. Vane, Henry, prb. Durham, 318. Vannes, Peter, prb. York, 175. Vannes, Peter, archd. Worcester, 75. Vansittart, Robert, Reg. prof. civ. law, Oxford, 512. Vansittart, William, prb. Carhsle, 252. Vaughan, Edw., tax. Cambridge, 644. Vaughan, Griffith, prb. Chester, 270. Vaughan, Henry Halford, Reg. prof. mod. hist. Oxford, 531. Vaughan, Jenkin, proc. Oxford, 491. Vaughan, John, can. Windsor, 388. Vaughan, Maurice, can. Windsor, 406. Vaughan, Peter, proc. Oxford, 502. Vaughan, Peter, dn. Chester, 265. Vaughan, Peter, ward. Merton coll. Oxford, 545. Vaughan, Richard, prin. St. Mary hall, Oxford, 584. Vaughan, Richard, bp. Chester, 259. Vaulx, alias Palmer, John, ward. All Souls coll. Oxford, 560. Vause, William, archd. Worcester, 75. Vaux, John, dn. Windsor, 372. Vaux, William, prb. Winchester, 41. Vavasour, Hen. le, prb. Southwell, 440. Veasey, Thomas, proc. Cambridge, 631. Venn, Henry, proc. Cambridge, 633. Venn, Henry, tax. Cambridge, 647. Venn, John, mast. Balliol coll. Oxford, 541. Venn, John, vice-chan. Oxford, 478. Verdon, Thomas, proc. Cambridge, 625. Verdun, William, archd. Gloucester, 76. Vere, Nicholas, prb. Winchester, 35. Verman, George, proc. Oxford, 495. Verney, George, can. Windsor, 406. Verney, George, dn. Windsor 376. Verney, John, archd. Worcester, 75. Vernon, Charles George Venables, prb. Southwell, 440. Vernon, Kdward Venables, bp. Car- lisle, 24f,. Vernon, Ivlw. Venables, abj). York, i 19. Vernon, James, burg. Cambridge, 650. Vernon, Hon. John Sedley Venables, j)rb. Soutinvtll, 421. Verrjon, I ^'vison Venables, archd. (/'leve- land, 149. Vernon, Ricliard, i)rl>. WinchcHter, 32. Vernon, Richard, pri). WorccBter, W'j. vol.. 11! . Vernon, William Venables, prb. York, 204. Vesey, Richard, proc. Oxford, 496. Vesey,Wilham, proc. Oxford, 497. Veteri Ponte or Vipont, Thomas de, bp. Carlisle, 233. Vethick or Dethick, Henry, archd. Carlisle, 249. Veysey or Voysey, abas Harman, John, dn. Windsor, 373. Veysie, Daniel, proc. Oxford, 503. Vickers, John, proc. Cambridge, 632. Vickers, John, tax. Cambridge, 646. Vickers, Samuel, proc. Oxford, 500. Vidal, Owen Emerie, bp. Sierra Leone, .339-

igani, John Francis, prof. chem. Cam- 

bridge, 663. Villa Garcia, de, or Fraterculus, Jo- annes, Reg. prof. div. Oxford, 509. Villiers, George, chan. Cambridge, 601, 602. Vince, Samuel, tax. Cambridge, 645. Vince, Samuel, Plum. prof, astron. Cambridge, 664. Vince, Samuel Berney, proc. Cambridge, 633- Vince, Samuel Berney, tax. Cambridge, 647. Vincent, Natha., proc. Cambridge, 625. Vincent, William, prb.Westminster,368. Vincent, William, dn. Westminster, 349. Viner, Thomas, can. Windsor, 404. Vines, Richard, mast. Pembroke coll. Cambridge, 675. Vipont or de Veteri Ponte, Thomas, bp. Carlisle, 233. Vivian, Daniel, prb. Southwell, 442. Vivian, John, proc. Oxford, 499. Vivian, John, Reg. prof. mod. hist. Oxford, 530. Vivian, Richard, proc. Oxford, 501. Vivian, Wm., prof. anat. Oxford, 527. Vivian, William, Reg. prof. mod. Ox- ford, 514. Vossius, Isaac, can. Windsor, 404. Voysey or Veysey, alias Harman, John, (In. Windsor, 373. Vyspeyas, Gerard de, archd. Richmond, Vyvian, 'I'homas, prin. Hart haU, Ox- ford, 583. W. W. Portuensis EpiHcopus Cardinalis, prb. York, j 7H. Waddilovc, Robert Darlcy, jiib, York, 20H, 227. 5 ^»