Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/830

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824 INDEX AVilliam, prb. York, 17S, 191, 202. William, treas. York, 158. AVilliam, archil. Carlisle, 24S. William, arclid. Durham, 302. Wilham, archd. Kast-Ridin^, 14 r. William, archd. Northumberland, 305. William, archd. Richmond, 136, 137. William, archd. York, 131. AVilliam, hp. Durham, 282. W'illiam, bp. Sodor and Man, 323. William, abp. York, 100. William filius Durandi, archd. East- Riding, 14 1, W^illiam de Ely, archd. Cleveland, 145. William de Exon or Exeter, sub(ln. York, 128. Williams, Arthur, prb. York, 185. W^illiams, Charles, proc. Oxford, 501. Williams, David, prb. Winchester, 44. Williams, David, ward. New coll. Ox- ford, 556. Williams, George, Sher. prof. bot. Ox- ford, 529. Williams, Griffith, prb. Westminster, 35.6. Williams, Henry, prb. Southwell, 430. AVilliams, Henry, can. Windsor, 393. Williams, Henry, prb. York, 188, 207. W^iUiams, Henry (iriffin, proc. Cam- bridge, 634. Williams, James Haddy Wilson, tax. Cambridge, 647. W^illiams, John, proc. Cambridge, 621, 627. Williams, John, Marg. prof. div. Ox- ford, 518. Wilhams, John, prin. Jesus coll. Ox- ^P^h 575- W^illiams, John, vice-chan. Oxford, 476. Williams, John, dn. Westminster, 348. Williams, John, abj). York, 116. Williams, Philip, i)rb. Vinchester, 41. Williams, Philij), pub. orat. Cambridge, 614. Williams, Philip, Yin. prof. com. law, Oxford, 532. Williams, Rice, prb. Worcester, 82. Williams, William, proc. Oxford, 497. AVilliamson, Caesar, prb. York, 180. Williamson, (ieorge, prb. York, 195. AVilliamson, Richard, hon. can. Wor- cester, 89. Williamson, Robert, proc. Oxford, 492. Williamson, Thomas, ])rb. Chester, 271. Williamson, William, proc. Oxford, 499. AVillifed or Willyford, William, prb. York, 202. AViUington, John, proc. Cambridge, ^03. AVillis, Francis, pres. St. John's coll. Oxford, 573. AV^illis, Francis, dn. AVorcester, 71. AVillis, Henry, prb. Southwell, 430. Willis, Richard j;rb. Westminster, 363. Willis, Richard, bp. Winchester, 20. Willis, Robert, Jack. prof. nat. phil. Cambridge, 666. Willis, Thomas, prof. nat. phil. Oxford, 520. AVillis, Toby, prb. Southwell, 420. AVilloughby, Edw., can. AVindsor, 390. AVilloughby, James, prb. Southwell, 425, 434- AVilloughby, Richard, proc. Cambridge, 619. AVilloughby, Hon. Thomas, burg. Cam- bridge, 651. AA^illoughby, Hugh de, chan. Oxford, 465. Wills, John, ward. AVadham coll. Ox- ford, 578. AVills, John, vice-chan. Oxford, 479. Willson, 'i'homas, prb. Southwell, 439. AVillyford or AVillifed, AVilliam, prb. A^ork, 202. AVillys, Francis, vice-chan. Oxford, 476. AVilmot, Edward Revell Eardley, hon. can. AA'orcester, 89. AA^'ilmot, Richard, can. AA'indsor, 409. AVilmsley, John, prb. Chester, 269. AA'^ilson, Benjamin, prb. A'ork, 167, 208. AVilson, Bernard, prb. AA'orcester, 81. AVilson, Christopher, prb. AVestmin- ster, 366. AA^ilson, Christopher, prb. A'ork, 171. AAllson, Christopher, proc. Cambridge, 629. Wilson, Daniel, bp. Calcutta, 336. AVilson, Edm., can. AVindsor, 399, 411. AV^ilson, Edward, ])rb. Southwell, 417. AVilson, Henry Bristow, ])rof. Ang. Sax. Oxford, 531. AA'ilson, Horace Hayman, Boden prof. Sansc. Oxford, 534. AVilson, James, tax. Cambridge, 643. AVilson, John, prb. AVestminster, 352. AVilson, John, prb. A'ork, 212. AVilson, John, proc. Cambridge, 631. AVilson. John, tax. Cambridge, 642. AVilson, John, prof. mus. Oxford, 527. AVilson, John, i)res. Trinity coll. Ox- ford, 572. AA'ilson, John Matthias, prof. mor. jihil. Oxford, r,25. Wilson, John Posthumus, proc. Ox- ford, 504. AVilson, Miles, prb. A'ork, 219.