Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/834

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828 INDEX Wykeham, William, can. Windsor, 396. Wykeham, Villiam, bp. Winchester, 18, Wykeham, Nicholas do, archd. Win- chester, 25. Wykeham, Nicholas de, ward. New coll. Oxford, 554. Wykeham, Wm. de, prb.Southwell,4i8. Wykeham, William de, prb. York, 198, 200. Wykeham or Wickham, William of, bp. Winchester, 14. Wykford, Robert de, prb. York, 203. Wykford, Robert de, archd. Winches- ter, 25. Wykis, Robert, proc. Oxford, 484. Wylcyer, Richard, prin. St. Mary hall, Oxford, 584. Wylde, Charles, prb. Southwell, 438. Wylde, John, proc. Oxford, 486. Wylford, Edmund, prov. Oriel coll. Oxford, 550. Wylks, Richard, proc. Cambridge, 617. Wylsford, Edmund, Marg. prof. div. Oxford, 518. Wylsford, Edmund, vice-chan. Oxford, 474. 475- Wylson,Thomas, proc. Cambridge, 617. Wylton, Wilham de, chan. Oxford, 465. W^ylughby, Hugh de, prb. York, 170. Wylughby, Philip de, prb. York, 172. Wylyot, John, chan. Oxford, 465. Wyman, John, proc. Oxford, 487. Wymbell, Vill., chan. Cambridge, 600. Wymbish or W^ymbussch, Thomas, prb. Southwell, 421. Wymbissh, Nicholas, archd. Notting- ham, 151. Wymble, Vilham, mast. Clare hall, Cambridge, 671. Wymbussch or Wymbish, Thomas, prb. Southwell, 421. Wymbyssh, Nicholas, jirb. York, 175. AVjniibyssh, Robert, prb. York, 201. Wymondswold,Hugh de,])re. York, 155. Wymonsdswould, Hugh de, prb. York, 221. Wymundus or Reymundus or Hamun- dus, bp. Sodor and Man, 323. Wyndham, (Jeorge, ward. Wad ham coll. Oxford, 578. Wynewick, Richard de, prb. York, 222. Wynhale, Walt., vice-chan. Oxford, 472. Wynne, John, prb. Westminster, 364. Wynne, John, prb. Worcester, 85. Wynne, John, Marg. prof. div. Oxford, 519- AN ynne, John, prin. Jesus coll. Oxford, 57^'- W^ynne, William, proc. Oxford, 498. Wynne, sir William, mast. Trinity hall, Cambridge, 680. Wynship, George, prb. York, 177. Wynter, Philip, pres. St. John's coll. Oxford, 575. W'ynter, Philip, vice-chan. Oxford,479. Wynter,Thos., prb. Southwell, 438,442. W^ynter, Thomas, prb. York, 188. Wyntle, Robert, ward. Merton coll. Ox- ford, 545. Wynton, Thomas de, archd. Notting- ham, 150. Wynwyck, Robertde, mast. Perer house, Cambridge, 667. Wynwyk,,chan.Cambridge,598. Wyot, Richard, can. Windsor, 386. Wyot, Richard, mast. Christ's coll. Cambridge, 690. Wyott, Thomas, prb. Southwell, 434. Wysebech, W^alter de, prb. York, 182. Wystow, Humphrey, prin. Edmund hall, Oxford, 593. Wystyng or Whytyng, Henry, prin. Magdalen hall, Oxford, 586. Wyten, Thomas, prb. York, 166. Wytham, William, prb. Southwell, 432. Wythecroft, . . . . , can. W' indsor, 379. Wythers, John, proc. Oxford, 483. W)'thington, Oliver, proc. Oxford, 488. Wythnam, John, prin. Hart hall, Ox- ford, 582. Wythorn, Thomas de, archd. York, 132. Wytton, Richard, mast. University coll. Oxford, 536. Wyvell, Christopher, dn. Ripon, 332. Wyvill, Christopher, prb. York, 180. Yale, David, prb. Chester, 269. Yale, David, proc. Cambridge, 619. Yale, Thomas, proc. Cambridge, 618. Yarborough, Francis, })rin. Brasenose coll. Oxford, 564. Yarborough, Henry, prb. York, 170. Yardburgh, John de, prb. York, 205. Yar^vell, Walter de, treas. York, 160. Yate, Thomas, prin. Brasenose coll. Oxford, 564. Yates, Lowthcr, tax. Cambridge, 644. Yates, Lowther, mast. Catharine hall, Cambridge, 687. Yates, Lowther, vice-chan. Cambridge, 611. Yeldard, Artlnir, pres. Trinity coll. Ox- ford, 572. Yeldard, Arthur,vice-chan. Oxford, 476. Yeoman, Henry Walker, jirb. York, 218.