Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/837

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January, 1884. (Clarentron i^ress, ©xforU A SELECTION OF BOOK© PUBLISHED FOR THE UNIVERSITY BY HENRY FROWDE, AT THE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS WAREHOUSE, AMEN CORNER, LONDON. ALSO TO BE HAD AT THE CLARENDON PRESS DEPOSITORY, OXFORD. LEXICONS, GRAMMARS, &c. (See also Clarendon Press Series, pp. 22, 25, 26.) A Greek-English Lexicon, by Henry George Liddell, D D., and Robert Scott, D.D. Seventh Edition, Revised and Augmented throughout. 1883. 4to. cloth, 1/. i6s. A copious Greck-EnglisJi Vocabulary, compiled from the best authorities. 1850. 24mo. bound, 3s. A Practical Introdtcctio7i to Greek Accentuation, by II. W. Chandler, M.A. Second Edition. 1881. 8vo. cloth, los. 6f/, A Latin Dictio7iary founded on Andrews' edi- tion of Freund's Latin Dictionary, revised, enlarged, and in great part rewritten by Charlton T. Lewis, Ph.D., and Charles Short, LL.D,, Professor of Latin in Columbia College, New York. 1879. 4to. cloth, i/. 5s. The Book of Llebrcw Pools, by Abu '1-Walid Marwan ibn Janah, otherwise called Rabbi Vonali Now first edited, with an Appendix, by Ad. Neubauer. 1S75. 4I0. cloth, 2/. 74. 61/. L9j "<