Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/842

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6 CLARENDON PRESS, OXFORD. Novum Testamenhim Gracce juxta Exemplar Millianum. i8mo. cloth, 2s. 6rf. The same on •writing paper, with large margin, cloth, 9s. Evangelia Sacra Graece. fcap. 8vo. limp, s. 6d. The Greek Testament, with the Readings adopted by the Revisers of the Authorised Version : — (i) "Pica type. Second Edition, with Marginal References. Demy 8vo. cloth, 10s. dd. (2) Long Primer type. Fcap. 8vo. cloth, 4s. 6d. (3) The same, on writing paper, with wide margin, cloth, 15s. The Parallel New Testament, Greek and Eng- lish; being the Authorised Version, 161 1; the Revised Version, 1 881 ; and the Greek Text followed in the Revised Version. 8vo. cloth, 1 2^. dd. The Revised Version is the joint property of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. The Gospel of St. Mark in Gothic, according to the translation made by Wulfila in the Fourth Century. Edited with a Grammatical Introduction and Glossarial Index by W. W. Skeat, M.A. Extra fcap. 8vo. cloth, 45. Canon AInratorianus : the earliest Cataloene of the Books of the New Testament. Edited with Notes and a Facsimile of the MS. in the Ambrosian Librar)' at Milan, by S. P. Tregelles, LL.D, 1S67. 4to. cloth, los. 6J. FATHEKS OF THE CHURCH, &c.

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