CLARENDON PRESS, OXFORD. The Ancient Liturgy of the Chu7^ch of England, according to the uses of Sarum, York, Hereford, and Bangor, and the Roman Liturgy arranged in parallel columns, with preface and notes. By Yilliam Maskell, M.A. Third Edition. 1882. Svo. cloth, 15 s. Monicnienta Ritualia Ecclesiae Anglicanae. The occasional Offices of the Church of England according; to the old use of Salisbury the Prymer in English, and other prayers and forms, with dissertations and notes. By William Maskell, M.A. Second Edition. 1882. 3 vols. Svo. cloth, 2/. los. Records of the Reformation, The Divorce, 1527-1533. Mostly now for the first time printed from MSB. in the British Museum and other libraries. Collected and arranged by N. Pocock, M.A. 1870. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 1/. i6s. Shirley {W. W.). Some Account of the Church in the Apostolic Age. Second Edition, 1874. fcap. 8vo. cloth, 3s. 6rf. Stubbs (W.). Registrum. Sacrton Ajiglicanum. An attempt to exhibit the course of Episcopal Succession in Eng- land. 1858. small 4to. cloth, 8s. 6cf. ENGLISH THEOLOGY. Butler s Works, with an Index to the Analogy. 2 vols. 1874. 8vo. cloth, IIS. Butler s Sermons. Svo. cloth, ^s. 6d, Btctler s Analogy of Religion. 8vo. cloth, ^s. 6d. Heurtleys Harmonia Symbolical Creeds of the Western Church. 1858. 8vo. clolli, 6.s. dd. Homilies appointed to be read in ChiLrches. Edited by J. Griffiths, M.A. 1859. Svo. cloth, 7s. 6rf. Hooker s Works, with his Life by Walton, ar- ranged by John Keble, M.A. Sixth Edition, 1874. 3 vols. Svo. cloth, i/. lis, dd. Hooker s Works ; the text as arranged by John Xtblc, M.A. 2 vols. 1875. Svo. clotl^ iiA.