Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/847

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CLARENDON PRESS, OXFORD, ii Clmtons Epitome of the Fasti Helleriici. 1 85 1 . 8vo. cloth, 6s. dd. Clintojis Epitome of the Fasti Romaiii. 1854. 8vo. cloth, 7s. Freeman s {E. A.) History of the Norman Conquest of England ; its Causes and Results. In Six Volumes. 8vo. cloth, 5/. 9s. 6d. Vols. I-II together, 3rd edition, 1877. il. i6s. Vol. Ill, 2nd edition, 1874. i/. is. Vol. IV, 2nd edition, 1875. i/. is. Vol. V, 1876. I/. IS. Vol. VI. Index. 1879. 8vo. cloth, 10s. 6i. Freeman {E, A.), The Reign of William R^tfits and the Accession of Henrj^ the First. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, l. i6s. Gascoigne s Theological Dictionary ( Liber Veritatum ") : Selected Passages, illustrating the condition of Church and State, 1403-1458. With an Introduction by James E. Thorold Rogers, M.P. Small 4ta cloth, los. dd. Magna Carta, a careful Reprint. Edited by W. Stubbs, M.A., Regius Professor of Modern History. 1879. 4to. stitched, is. Olaf. Passio et Miracnla Beati Olavi, Edited from a Twelfth-Century MS. in the Library of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, with an Introtluction and Notes, by Frederick Metcalfe, M.A. Small 4to. stiff cover, 6s. Protests of the Lords, including those which have been expunged, from 1624 to 1874; ^^^•^'^ Historical Intro- ductions. Edited by James E. Thorold Rogers, M.A. 1875. 3 vols. 8V0. cloth, 2/. 25. Rogers s History of Agricnltnre and Prices in England, a.d. 1259- 1793. Vols. I and II (1259-14^0). 1866. 8vo. cloth, 2/. %%. Vols. HI and IV (1401-1582). 1882. 8vo. cloth, 2/. los.