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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/88

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82 WORCESTER. William Galloway, A.M., collated on tho 23rd,an(l in- stalled 24th May 1700, on the death of Joseph Merill. William AVorth, S.T.P., collated 17th Feb. 1715-16, installed 2nd March following, on the death of William Galloway. Ob. 7th Aug. j 742. Rick Williams, M. A., nominated 17th Aug, and in- stituted 18th Sept. 1742, on the death of William Worth. Philip Duval, LL.B., instituted 3rd March 1767, on the death of Rice AVilliams. Gregory Parry, M.A., instituted 29th Jan. 1772, on tho resignation of Philip Duval. William Lan(;ford, D.D., instituted 27th Aug. 17*^5, on the death of Gregory Parr}-. John Plumptrk, M.A., instituted i8th Doc. 1787, on the resignation of William Langford. John Banks Jenkinson, M.A., nominated 30th Aug. 1808, on the resignation of Dr. John Plumptre. Thomas Evans. Edward Rick, M.A., instituted 3rd Nov. 1815, on tho death of Thomas Evans. Herbert Oakley, A.M., instituted 28th Doc. 1817. Hon. James Somers Cocks, appointed 20th Feb. 1830, collated 13th March, vice Sir Herbert Oakeley re- signed. FOURTH STALL. Henry Joliee, B.D., appointed by charter of foundation 24th Jan. 1541-2. Sir Thomas Windk rank, a layman, appointed by queen Elizabeth in 1559. John Archbold, D.D., installed 1607. Francis Charlet, installed in 1627. William Dowdswkll, LL.I)., installed 7th Aug. 1660. Ob. I 2th May 1671. Gkor(;e Hknson, S.T.P., instiillod i6th June 1671. Ob. 24th Aug. 1692. Richard Bentley, M.A., nominated 2nd Sept., and