86 WORCESTER. IIi'.iiBEiiT CnoKT, S.T.P., nominated 17th July 1640. Ho became bishop of Hereford in 1662. JosKPH Crowther, D.l)., installed 7th March 1661-2. Ob. i6th Dec. i68y. Jonathan Rlac.uave, A.M., nominated 19th Dec. 1689, and installed 23rd Jan. 1689-90. Ob. 30th Aug. 1698. James Stillingfleet, instituted i8th Feb. 1698—9, on the death of Jonathan ]31agrave. John Dowxes, nominated ]6th Dec. 1726, and insti- tuted loth Feb. 1726—27, vice Dr. James Stillingfleet resigned. Edward Stilltxc.fleet, A.M., nominated 24th March T736-7, and instituted 9th April 1737, on the death of John Downcs. John Carver, LL.B., instituted iith April 1777, on the death of Edward Stillingfleet. James Meakin, M.A., instituted 30th May 1804, ^'^ the resignation of John Carver. Ob. 6th Oct. 1842. EIGHTH STALL. Roger Stanford, alias Coke, B.D., appointed by foundation charter 24th Jan. 1541— 2. John Standish, D.D., presented 12th July 1550, in- stalled 2nd Aug. following. Leonard Pollard, D.D., installed i ith Sept. 1551. Thomas Bastarde, B.D., installed 30th March 1557. William Thornhill, A.M., installed 4th May 1584. I^oREUT White, B.D., arcJuieacon of Meriom't/t, in- stalled let Dec. 1626. William Thornborofgh, installed 27th Sept. 1660. Ob. 19th March 1679-80. George Hickes, S.T.P., installed in Juno 1680. He became dean in 1683. John Jephcott, S.T.P., installed 8th Nov. 1683. Edward Chandler, S.T.P., installed 2i8t Oct. 1706, on the resignation of John Jephcott. Richard Laughton, S.T.P., nominated nth and in-
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