PREBENDARIES. 89 John Francis Seymour Fleming St. John, M.A., instituted 27th Oct. 1804, <^^ ^^^ death of Thomas James. Edward Winnington Ingram, nominated 24th Dec. 1832 and collated 26th Jan. 1833, on the death of John Francis Seymour Fleming St. John. Ob. 7th May 1 851. HONORARY CANONS 'K H J Stevenson, 1844. John Sandford 1844. Thomas Baker, 4th Aug. 1845. William Henry Havergal, 4th Aug. 1845. Richard Brindley Hone, loth Nov. 1845. Thomas Legh Claughton, loth Nov. 1845. John Garbett, 1846. Richard Seymour, 1846. James Prince Lee, 6th Sept. 1847. Appointed bishop of Manchester in 1848. Henry Arthur Woodgate, 6th Sept. 1847. Henry James Hastings, 17th June 1848, on the re- signation of James Prince Lee. Charles Abel Heurtley, 2nd Oct. 1848. William Marsh, i6th Oct. 1848. Robert Chapman Savage, 22nd Sept. 1849. Anthony Berwick Lechmere, 22nd Sept. 1849. Edward Revell Eardley Wilmot, 21st Sept. 1850. Hon. William Henry Lyttleton, 4th Nov, 1850. Richard Williamson, 8th Sept. 1851. David Melville, 8th Sept. 1851. Rowland Webster, 25th Sept. 1851. John C. Miller, 1852. John' Boudier, 1852. ^ On the mode of appointing lations to which they shall be honorary canons in certain ca- subject, sec order in council, thedral churches, and the regu- N^. 97. dated 23rd May 1H44. vol. III.