92 VORK. forniinp: the archdeaconry of Nottingham, in the pro- vince and diocese of York, was detached and dis- s<'vercd from the said province, and annexed and united to the province of Canterbury and diocese of Lincoln '. By another order in council, ist Feb. 18^8, such parts of the several parishes of Darton, High Hoyland, Silkstono, Pcnnistone, and Kirk Hammerton, in the archdeaconry of York, were detached and dissevered from the said archdeaconry and diocese of York, and permanently annexed to and united with the diocese of Ripon ; and the several parishes of Crofton, Warm- field, Normanton, Featherstone, and Abberford, in the county of York, archdeaconry of Craven, and diocese of Ripon, were detached and dissevered from the said archdeaconry of Craven and diocese of Ripon, and permanently annexed to and united with the archdeaconry of York and diocese of York. The province of York contains the dioceses of York, Carlisle, Chester, Durham, Sodor and Man, Manches- ter, and Ripon. ARCHBISHOPS OF YORK. York is known to have been an episcopal see anterior to the mission of Augustine, but the names of all its bishops are lost except four, viz. Eborius^, Sampson ', Piraunus ', and Thadiacus '. Taurinus^ is also named, but he is more probably supposed to have been bishop of Evroux. ' y a further order in conn- York were abolished, cil, 4th June 1S41. the deanery '-' "F^borius epistopus, de civi- and exeini)t or peculiar of South- tatc Kboracensi provincia liriUui- wcll.comprisinj^ several parishes, nia," was present at the council was transferred from the pro- of Aries in .^ 4. I^ihbe et ('088. vince of York to that of Canter- i. 1430. bury, and })lacerl in the diocese -^ Matt. Weslm. an. 507. of Lincoln; and l)y another or- * Ibid. an. 523. drr in council. 27th .ug. iH4r). •'• Il)id. an. 5H6. all peculiars in the diocese o( '"' Kpiscopus Ebroicensis.