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into fair, young, wheedling creatures, seemingly harmless as doves. His design cannot be fora moment doubted. The unresting Alecto of modern society is the insinuation that breeds mistrust, the slander that wears an innocent face, the power that in a thousand ways thrusts itself between approaching hearts and drives them apart. Megæra typifies the alienation which arises from selfish whims, from indifference or satiety; and Tisiphone alone, the avenging Fury, remains true to her ancient name and office.

28. And here Asmodi as my follower lead.

Asmodi (or Ashmedai), the Destroyer, was an evil demon of the Hebrews. He is mentioned in the Talmud, and Jewish tradition reports that he once drove Solomon from his kingdom. Since, in the Book of Tobias, he kills in succession the seven husbands of Sara, he has been credited with a special enmity to married happiness. In this quality he appears as the follower of Megæra. As “Asmodeus” we find him in Wieland’s Oberon, and the Diable Boiteux of Lesage, through which he is almost as widely known as Mephistopheles.

29. You see a mountain pressing through the throng.

The Herald’s expression: “For that which comes is not to you allied,” seems to indicate a change in the character of the allegory; and I am disposed to agree with those who attach a political meaning to the coming masks, rather than with those who would include the latter in the representation of society. The former interpretation is certainly the more simple and complete. The elephant is Civil Government, or The State, as another form of organized human life. He is guided by Prudence, while on either hand walk Fear and Hope, in fetters. Fear, who shrinks from every undertaking, and Hope, who would undertake all things without considering results, are, as Prudence declares, “two of the greatest of human foes.” They thus represent the political elements of blind conservatism and reckless passion for change. In an ordered and intelligent State both these forces are chained, Prudence guides the colossal organism,