Page:February 1916 QST.djvu/15

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As in all other pursuits, there are fakirs in the wireless business, and every now and then, we may expect to hear of a new amateur organization being started. Quite a number have been advertised in my limited experience, but their career was short because they lacked these two fundamentals principles. We can readily understand why a wireless corporation or a business house should endeavor to engage the attention of the amateur field and frequently attain results from an unsuspecting few, but in general their career may

could only get into the spirit of the thing and place their barriers of reserve against a few other of these widely advertised “gold bricks,” we might all be better off radiographically as well as financially.

In conclusion, I might add that in my eight years of experience, this is the first hopeful sight on the horizon, and I hope and have every reason to believe that it will not be a disappointment. We must also bear in mind the possibility of Congress doing some unannounced legislating

3 AEP.

3 AEP has a very efficient station. The extremely large coupling shows that Mr. Rau has a sharp wave and does not interfere. Despite the fact that such a large coupling is used, the sending range is eighteen miles. Can you do as well?

be likened to that of a clamped oscillation a big splash and it’s all over.

My impressions of the LEAGUE warrant me in believing from its steady growth that neither Mr. Maxim or any other of the Officers are selling anything or have anything in mind except the building up of an efficient relay association, and in spite of a conservatism produced by noting the careers of other projects, I think they deserve the hearty support of every sincere amateur in the country. If the amateurs

in radio matters, and as our first great electrician, Benjamin Franklin, said, “We had better hang together or we shall all hang separately.” This applies to telegraphy as well as conspiracy.

Wishing the AMERICAN RADIO RELAY LEAGUE and its “QST” greatest success, I am

    Very truly yours,

     (Sgd.) CHAS. L. BALLENTINE.