Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 10.djvu/200

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188 FEDERAL REPORTER. �Frederick W. Brandenburg. Guilty. �The Clerk. Henry J. Bright, is the defendant guilty or not guilty? �Henry J. Bright. Guilty. �The Clerk. Charles F. Stewart, is ■ the defendant guilty or not guilty? �Charles F. Stewart. Guilty. �The Clerk. Thomas H. Langley, is the defendant guilty or not guilty? �Thomas H. Langley. Guilty. �The Clerk. Michael Sheehan, is the defendant guilty or not guilty? �Michael Sheehan. Guilty. �The Clerk. Samuel P. Hobbs, is the defendant guilty or not guilty? �Samuel F. Hobbs. Guilty. �The Clerk. George W. Gates, is the defendant guilty or not guilty? �George W. Gates. Guilty. �The Clerk. Ealph Wormley, is the defendant guilty or not guilty? �Ralph Wormley. Guilty. �The Clerk. William H. Brawner, is the defendant guilty or not guilty? �William H. Brawner. Guilty. �The Clerk. Thomas Heinline, is the defendant guilty or not guilty? �Thomas Hehiline. Guilty. �The Clerk. Joseph Prather, is the defendant guilty or not guilty? �Joseph Prather. Guilty. �The Prisoner. (Excitedly.) My blood be on the head of that jury; don't you forget it. That is my answer. �Mr. Scoville. I understand I have the time to file a motion. �The Court. You have four days within wbich to file the motion. �Mr. Scoville. If there is anything else that I ought to do just now, your honor, I hope I will not be eut off. �The Court. If you have a desire to move in arrest of judgment, you can file your motion for a new trial, and in arrest of judgment, and if that should be overruled, be heard afterwards. �Mr. Scoville. That is, the motion for a new trial will be first heard. �The Court. The motion for a new trial must be first heard, and in case you then think proper, a motion in arrest of judgment. But they must both be filed in four days. You reserve an exception to the re- fusai to granting your instructions and to the charge, �Mr. Scoville. Yes. And to the charge. I expect to have that in the morning, and I desire to expreaa that more particularly. �The Cvart. Yes. ��� �