Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 10.djvu/448

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436 FEDERAL REPORTER. �tions, designated by odd numbers, as sliall be equal to such lands as the United States }>ave sold, reserved, or otherwise appropiiated, or to which the right of homestead settlement or pre-emption has attached as aforesaid, which lands thus indicated by odd numbers and sections, by the direction of the secretary of the interior, shall be held by the state of lowa for the uses and purposes aforesaid. �Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, that the sections and parts of sections of land which by such grant shall remain to the United States within 10 miles on each side of said roads shall not be sold for less than double the minimum price of public lands when sold ; nor shall any of said lands beeome subject to si'.le at private entry until the same shall have been flrst oflfered at public sale to the highest bidder at or above the minimum price as aforesaid. �Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, that the lands hereby granted shall be subject to the disposai of the legislature of lowa for the purposes aforesaid, and no other; and the said railroads shall be and remain public highways for the use of the government of the United States free of all toll or other charges upon the transportation of any property or troops of the United States. �Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, that the lands hereby granted shall be disposed of by said state for the pui-pose aforesaid only, and in manner fol- io wing, namely : When the governor of said state shall certify to the secretary of the interior that any section of 10 consecutive miles of either of said roads is completed in a good, substantial, and workmanlike manner as a first-class railroad, then the secretary of the interior shall issue to the state patents for 100 sections of land for the beneflt of the road having completed the 10 con- secutive miles as aforesaid. When the governor of said state shall certify that another section of 10 consecutive miles shall have been completed as afore- said, then the secretary of the interior shall issue patents to said state in like manner for a like number; and when certiflcates of the completion of addi- tional sections of 10 consecutive miles of either of said roads are from time to time made as aforesaid, additional sections of land shall be patented as afore- said until said roads, or either of them, are completed, when the whole of the lands hereby granted shall be patented to the state for the uses aforesaid, and none other: provided, that if the said McGregor Western Railroad Company, or assigns, shall fail to complete at least 20 miles of its said road during each and every year from the rtate of its acceptance of the grant provided for in this act, then the state may resume said grant and so dispose of the same as to secure the completion of a road on said line and upon such terms within such time as the state shall determine: provided, further, that if the said roads are not completed within 10 years from their several acceptance of this grant, the said lands hereby granted and not patented shall revert to the state of lowa for the purpose of securing the completion of the said roads within such time, not to exceed flve years, and upon such terms as the state shall deter- mine: and provided, further, that said lands shall not in any manner be dis- poied of or encumbered except as the same are patented under the provisions of this act; and should the state fail to complete said roads within flve years after the ten years aforesaid, then the said lands undisposed of as aforesaid shall revert to the United States. �S3C. 5. And be it further enacted, that as soon as the governor of said state ��� �