Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 2.djvu/513

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606 ffBOEBAIi BBPOBTES. �to her swamp lands, and to secure the claim of the coimty on the United States for such of her swamp lands as have been sold by the general government, or located with warrants, and has, so far, been unsuccessf ul ; and, whereas, by the recent decisions and rulings of the commissioner of the gen- erai land office, the swamp-land interest and claim of said county is involved in great jeopardy and will require expend- itures in costs, expenses and efforts, in order to secure it: Now, therefore, said county hereby agrees to put its swamp- land interest and claim into the hands of the party of the second part for prosecution, settlement and collection as fully as the same exist, whether for lands, scrip or cash. The county also agrees to furnish the records and papers in its possession to the party of the second part to aid said work. �"The county also agrees to nominate and appoint such agents as the party of the second part may desire to select or reselect said lands, if necessary, and to make the indemnity proofs, and also to nominate to the governor such persons as the party of the second part may request for special agent, under the thirteenth section of the act of the general assembly of the state of lowa, entitled ' An act to autborize the governor and board of county supervisors to appoint agents in regard to swamp lands belonging to the state of lowa, and to define their duties,' approved April 8, 1862; such agent to give the bail by law required, and to deliver the proceeds to the board of supervisors as required by said thirteenth section of said act. �"The party of the second part take said interest and claim for said purpose, and agree to prosecute the same thoroughly and with dispatch ; to make such selections and proofs as may be necessary, so far as practicable; to retain such counsel and help as may be necessary to pass said claim at Wash- ington; to close up and finish the business at the earliest practicable time; and to pay ail the expenses of ail such agencies and of doing said business at Washington and else- where, so that said county shall have nothing to pay, wliat- ever, if nothing is obtained out of said interest or claim ; and in case any lands, scrip or money, or ail, are obtained, tlien, out of such nroceeds, the county is to pay to the parties ol ����