Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 2.djvu/835

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628 FEDEBAIi BEFOBTEii. �Amount brought forward, - ■; - $582 eO Less Zephyr's share of profits of 10 �trips, 1183 95 �Less t-wo dollars as above^ • • 3 00 �Less $7.87 as above, - 7 87 ���$193 82 ���Due petitioner, - * - . $388 58 �which he is entitled to receive out of the fund in the registry. �The remainder of the fund is to be divided between him and the representative of the other part owner in the propor- tion of their respective interests in the vessel, yiz ; Petitioner, one-fourth; Captain Zephyr, three-fourths. �An order to this effect will be entered. ����