806 FEDBBAL ££POBT£B. �Under said oertificate is a certificate by T. V. Lister, assist- ant under secretary of state, sealed with the seal of the foreign ofiSce, certifying that Lushington's said signature is the hand- writing of Godfrey Lushington, assistant under secretary of state for the home department. Under said two certificates is a certificate by J. E. Lowell, envoy extraordinary and min- ister plenipotentiary of the United States of America, made at the legation of the United States, London, under the seal of the legation of the United States of America to Great Britain, certifying that Lister's said signature is the handwriting ot Or. V. Lister, "one of the assistant under secretaries of state for foreign affairs, and that the annexed documents are authen- ticated in the manner required by the statutes of the United States." • �There is also a copy of a warrant, issued at Bradford, Sep- tember 21, 1880, by a justice of the peace there, reciting said information, and commanding the constables of Bradford to arrest Fowler, and bring him before a justice of the peace to answer said information. This copy is certifled by Angus Holden, a justice of the peace at Bradford, to be a true copy of the original warrant. �On the back of the copy is a certificate by said Lushington of ■ the same tenor, mutatis mutandis, as his certificate on the back of the copy of the information. Under said oertificate is a cer- tificate of Julian Pauncefote, assistant under secretary of state of foreign affairs, sealed with the seal of the foreign office, of the same tenor as the said certificate of said Lister. Under said two certificates is a certificate by Mr. Lowell, made at the legation of the United States, London, under the seal of the legation of the United States to Great Britain, certifying that Pauncefote's said signature was the handwriting of Sir Julian Pauncefote, "one of the assistant under secretaries of state for foreign affairs, and that the annexed documents are authenticated in the manner required by the statutes of the United States." -There are, also, an original deposition of William Jowett, and an original deposition of Edwin 1. Hust- ier, signed by them respeotively, and sworn to at Bradford, September 30, 1880, before W. PoUard, a justice of the peace ����