In 1831 it appears that another edition, probably the thirteenth in book-form, was published in Hallowell; but, like that which was last referred to, a copy has not been found.
The catalogue of the library of the American Institute, in New York, mentions it as one of the editions in that collection; but it appears that it was taken from the library, many years since, by a member who has since deceased, and was never recovered.
In 1831, an edition of The Fœderalist, probably the fourteenth, was published at Washington, D. C., with the following title:—
"The | Federalist, | on | The New Constitution, | written in | the year 1788, | by | Alexander Hamilton, James Madison & John Jay, | with an appendix, | containing the original articles of confederation; the | letter of General Washington, as President of the | Convention, to the President of Congress; the Consti- | tution of the United States, and the amendments to | the Constitution. | A new edition, | with a table of contents, | and | a copious alphabetical index. | The numbers written by Mr. Madison corrected by himself. | Washington: | Published by Thompson & Homans. | Way & Gideon, Printers, | 1831."
It forms a duodecimo volume of four hundred and twenty-six pages, which are thus arranged: Title-page, as above; verso to the title-page, notice of copyright entered in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Columbia by Thompson & Homans,—both unpaged; iii. to vii., "Contents"; viii., blank; 3 to 5, "Prefatory Remarks"; 6 to 380, "The Federalist"; 381 to 404, "Appendix"; 405 to 420, "Index."
It is printed in signatures of twelve pages, with brevier type, solid,—the "Prefatory Remarks" being in minion, solid,—on paper of poor quality and rather dingy in appearance; and it is not illustrated.