containing | the letters of Pacificus and Helvidius on the proclamation of neu- | trality of 1793; the original articles of confederation; the let- | ter of General Washington, as president of the convention, | to the president of congress; the constitution of the | United States; the amendments to the constitution; | and the act of congress in relation to the elec- | tion of President, passed January 23, 1845. | Sixth edition, | with | a copious alphabetical index. | The numbers written by Mr. Madison corrected by himself. | Philadelphia: | R. Wilson Desilver, 18 South Fourth Street. | 1847."
It forms an octavo volume of five hundred and two pages, which are thus arranged: Title-page, as above; verso to title-page, blank; "Advertisement," signed "J. & G. S. Gideon," and dated "Washington, September, 1845"; verso, blank,—all unpaged; iii. to v., "Contents"; vi., blank; 1 to 356, "The Federalist"; 357 to 364, "Appendix. The original articles of confederation"; 365, the letter which General Washington addressed, as President of the Fœderal Convention, to the President of the Congress, when he forwarded the new Constitution to the latter body; 366, blank; 367 to 380, "Constitution of the United States," to which is appended the "Act to establish a uniform time for holding elections for electors of President and Vice President in all the States of the Union," approved January 23, 1845; 381 to 391, "Index to the Federalist"; 392, blank; full page title to the letters of Pacificus and Helvidius, with the imprint, "Washington: Printed and published by J. and G. S. Gideon. 1845"; verso to the title-page, blank; "Proclamation of neutrality, April 22, 1793"; verso to the "Proclamation," blank,—the last four unpaged; 5 to 102, "Letters of Pacificus and Helvidius, on the Proclamation of President Washington."
The text and "Appendix" of this edition are printed