Page:Felicia Hemans in Forget Me Not 1828.pdf/6

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This was set to music by Felicia’s sister, Miss Harriet Browne.
Here taken from Felicia Hemans Collected Poems, 1872


Come to the sunset tree!
The day is past and gone;
The woodman’s axe lies free,
And the reaper’s work is done.
The twilight star to heaven,
And the summer dew to flowers,
And rest to us is given
By the cool, soft evening hours.
Sweet is the hour of rest!
Pleasant the wind’s low sigh,
And the gleaming of the west,
And the turf whereon we lie;
When the burden and the heat
Of labor’s task are o’er,
And kindly voices greet
The tired one at his door,
Come to the sunset tree!
The day is past and gone;
The woodman’s axe lies free,
And the reaper’s work is done.
Yes! tuneful is the sound
That dwells in whispering boughs;

  1. "The loved hour of repose is striking. Let us come to the sunset tree."—See Captain Sherer's interesting Notes and Reflections during a Ramble in Germany.