Page:Felicia Hemans in The Amulet 1829.pdf/4

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    Come to the bright and blest,
And crowned for ever!—midst that shining band,
Gathered to heaven's own wreath from every land,
    Thy spirit shall find rest!

    Thou hast been long alone:
Come to thy mother!—on the Sabbath shore,
The heart that rocked thy childhood, back, once more
    Shall take its wearied one.

    In silence wert thou left:
Come to thy sisters!—joyously again
All the home-voices, blent in one sweet strain,
    Shall greet their long-bereft!

    Over thine orphan head
The storm hath swept, as o'er a willow's bough:
Come to thy father!—it is finished now;
    Thy tears have all been shed.

    In thy divine abode
Change finds no pathway, memory no dark trace,
And, oh! bright victory—death by love no place:
    Come, Spirit, to thy God!