Page:Felicia Hemans in The Literary Souvenir 1829.pdf/5

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From The Museum of Literature and Science, Volume 14, 1829, page 95

From the same.


I looked on the field where the battle was spread,
When thousands stood forth in their glancing array
And the beam from the steel of the valiant was shed
Through the dun rolling clouds that o'ershadowed the fray.

I saw the dark forest of lances appear,
As the ears of the harvest unnumbered they stood;
I heard the stern shout as the foeman drew near,
Like the storm, that lays low the proud pines of the wood.

Afar, the harsh notes of the war-drum were rolled,
Uprousing the wolf from the depth of his lair;
On high to the gust stream'd the banner's red fold
O'er the death-close of Hate, and the scowl of Despair,—