Page:Felt’s Parliamentary Procedure Upload 2.pdf/107

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§ 103
Postpone to a Certain Time.

attempt to prevent the next assembly from considering the question. It cannot be applied to a subsidiary or to any of the strictly parliamentary questions alone; if moved when any such question is pending it relates to the main question also.

103. A motion to postpone to a certain time may be amended by changing the time and is debatable as to the propriety of postponing the question, but such debate should be confined strictly to the motion and should not involve the merits of the question it is sought to postpone, since if the postponement be lost the question is still before the assembly for debate, or if carried the main question may be fully debated when again before the assembly. When two or more questions have been postponed to the same time they should be taken up in the order in which they were postponed, even though they are not taken up at the time apointed, but they cannot be taken up before the time appointed, except by a motion to take up out of order, requiring a two-thirds vote, or by a suspension of the rules (130) for that purpose,