Page:Felt’s Parliamentary Procedure Upload 2.pdf/135

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§ 131
Miscelleneous Motions.

131. The form is, “I move the suspension of the rules that interfere with (specifying the object of the suspension).” The motion cannot be debated, or amended, or have any other motion applied to it, and in the absence of any special rule requires a two-thirds vote for its adoption. If acted upon it cannot be renewed at the same meeting for the same purpose, but the motion may be made at the next meeting, even when that meeting is held the same day.


132. Miscellaneous motions are those that on account of the rules which govern them cannot be included in any of the other classes.

To fill blanks
Reading of papers.
To reconsider.
To rescind.
To substitute.


133. Sometimes resolutions are introduced, or reports of committees made, in