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there was more eloquence in the falſe ſpellings, with which it abounded, than in all Ariſtotle. She now reſolved to be no longer contented with this diſtant kind of converſation, but to meet her miſtreſs face to face. Accordingly that very afternoon ſhe went to her mother’s houſe, and enquired for her poor Molly, who no ſooner heard her lover’s voice than ſhe fell a trembling in the moſt violent manner. Her ſiſter who opened the door informed the Doctor ſhe was at home, and let the impoſtor in; but Molly being then in diſhabille, would not ſee him till ſhe had put on clean linnen, and was arrayed from head to foot in as neat, tho’ not in ſo fine a manner, as the higheſt court lady in the kingdom could attire herſelf in, to receive her embroider’d lover.
Very tender and delicate was the interview of this pair, and if any corner of Molly’s heart remain’d untaken, it was now totally ſubdued. She would willingly have poſtponed the match ſomewhat longer, from her ſtrict regard to decency; but the earneſtneſs and ardour of her lover would not ſuffer her, and ſhe was at laſt obliged to conſent to be married within two days.
Her ſiſter, who was older than herſelf, and had over-heard all that had paſt, no ſooner perceiv’d the Doctor gone, than ſhe came to her, and wiſhing her joy with a ſneer, ſaid much good may it do her with ſuch a huſband; for that, for her own part, ſhe would almoſt as willingly be married to one of her own ſex, and made ſome remarks not ſo proper to be here inſerted. This was reſented by the other with much warmth. She ſaid ſhe had choſen for herſelf only, and that if ſhe was pleaſed, it did not become people to trouble their heads with what was none of their buſineſs. She was indeed ſo extremely enamoured, that I queſtion whether ſhe