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Of theſe unnatural luſts, all ages and countries have afforded us too many inſtances; but none I think more ſurpriſing than what will be found in the hiſtory of Mrs. Mary, otherwiſe Mr. George Hamilton.

This heroine in iniquity was born in the Iſle of Man, on the 16th Day of Auguſt, 1721. Her father was formerly a ſerjeant of grenadiers in the Foot-Guards, who having the good fortune to marry a widow of ſome eſtate in that iſland, purchaſed his diſcharge from the army, and retired thither with his wife.

He had not been long arrived there before he died, and left his wife with child of this Mary; but her mother, tho’ ſhe had not two months to reckon, could not ſtay till ſhe was delivered, before ſhe took a third huſband.

As her mother, tho’ ſhe had three huſbands, never had any other child, ſhe always expreſs’d an extraordinary affection for this daughter, to whom ſhe gave as good an education as the ifland afforded; and tho’ ſhe uſed her with much tenderneſs, yet was the girl brought up in the ſtricteſt principles of virtue and religion; nor did ſhe in her younger years diſcover the leaſt proneneſs to any kind of vice, much leſs give cauſe of ſuſpicion that ſhe would one day diſgrace her ſex by the moſt abominable and unnatural pollutions. And indeed ſhe hath often declared from her conſcience, that no irregular paſſion ever had any place in her mind, till ſhe was firſt ſeduced by one Anne Johnſon, a neighbour of hers, with whom ſhe had been acquainted from her childhood; but not with ſuch intimacy as afterwards grew between them.

This Anne Johnſon going on ſome buſineſs to Briſtol, which detained her there near half a year, be-
