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Here when they arrived, they took up their lodgings together, and lived in the ſame deteſtable manner as before; till an end was put to their vile amours, by the means of one Rogers, a young fellow, who by his extraordinary devotion (for he was a very zealous Methodiſt) or by ſome other charms, (for he was very jolly and handſome) gained the heart of Mrs. Johnſon, and married her.
This amour, which was not of any long continuance before it was brought to a concluſion, was kept an entire ſecret from Mrs. Hamilton; but ſhe was no ſooner informed of it, than ſhe became almoſt frantic, ſhe tore her hair, beat her breaſts, and behaved in as outrageous a manner as the fondeſt huſband could, who had unexpectedly diſcovered the infidelity of a beloved wife.
In the midſt of theſe agonies ſhe received a letter from Mrs. Johnſon, in the following words, or as near them as ſhe can poſſibly remember:
Dear Molly,
“I know you will condemn what I have now done; but I condemn myſelf much more for what I have done formerly: For I take the whole ſhame and guilt of what hath paſſed between us on myſelf. I was indeed the firſt ſeducer of your innocence, for which I aſk God’s pardon and yours. All the amends I can make you, is earneſtly to beſeech you, in the name of the Lord, to forſake all ſuch evil courſes, and to follow my example now, as you before did my temptation, and enter as ſoon as you can into that holy ſtate into which I was yeſterday called. In which, tho’ I am yet but a novice, believe me, there are delights infinitely ſurpaſſing the faint endearments we nave experienc’d together. I ſhall always pray for you, and continue your friend.”