Page:Female policy detected, or, The arts of designing women laid open.pdf/7

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of you; for she that will not be jealous loves you not; and she that loves you not will not be constant to you.

Answer all the expeetations of a woman you would keep constant; for one single neglect hazards the loss of her affeetions.

Keep a watchful eye over the woman whom you love; seem not to be over credulous of her virtue; if you do, she will make trials of your faith.

She who kisses her husband in public, hath generally her eye on him she would kiss in private; and she that will kiss both in public and private values not where she kisses.

Be constant to your wife that she may be constant to you; for gratitude may constrain a woman to preserve those bonds which revenge may make her violate.

Chuse for your wife a prudent woman, for prudence preserves virtue, virtue love, love constancy.

Inconstancy in a wife makes wedlock a bramble, which bears abundance of thorns.

Inconstancy in a husband makes inconstancy in a wife; and an inconstant wife makes a husband a constant cuckold.

Trust no man with your wife abroad, nor court your friend to bear her company at home