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The Names of the Stars and Their Meanings.

Acubens (α) Cancri, "the claws."
Situated in one of the Crab's claws. It is white in color and culminates[1] March 18th.

Adara, (ε) Canis Majoris, "the virgins," a name for four stars, of which Adara is brightest.
Situated in the Dog's right thigh. It is pale orange in color, and culminates Feb. 11th.

Adhil, (ε) Andromedæ, "the train of a garment,"
Situated in the left shoulder of the chained lady.

Aladfar (al-ad-far), (μ) Lyræ, "the talons" (of the falling eagle)

Al Bali, (ε) Aquarii, "the good fortune of the swallower."

Al-bir' ē-o (β) Cygni, origin doubtful.
Situated in the beak of the Swan and the base of the Cross. Its color is topaz yellow, and it culminates Aug. 28th.


  1. It will be noted that the date of culmination is given in almost every case. By culmination is meant the highest point reached by a heavenly body in its path, at which point it is said to be on the meridian. In this hemisphere this is in each case the highest point north.
    For example:—the culmination of the sun occurs at noon.

    The time when the stars here mentioned culminate on the dates specified is in each case nine o'clock p.m.