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And their Meanings

Algeiba (al-jē'-bā), (γ) Leonis, "the mane."
Situated in the "Sickle," and the shoulder of the Lion. It is approaching the earth at the rate of twenty-four miles per second, and culminates April 9th.

Al'-ge-nib, (γ) Pegasi, "the wing," possibly the "flank" or "side."
Situated in the wing of the Horse. White in color, and culminates Nov. 14th.

Al'-ge-nib, (α) Persei, "the side," or Mirfak, "the elbow."
Situated in the right side of Perseus. Lilac in color and approaching the earth at the rate of six miles per second. It culminates Jan. 1st. This star is also called Alchemb.

Algenubi (al-je-nö'-bi), (ε) Leonis, "the head of the Lion."
A yellow star situated in the Lion's mouth.

Al'-gol, (β) Persei, "the ghoul" or "demon."
Situated in the head of the Medusa held in the Hero's left hand. White in color. It is approaching the earth at the rate of one mile per second, and culminates Dec. 23d.

Algoräb (al-go-rab'), or Algores, (δ) Corvi, "the raven."
Situated on the right wing of the Crow. Pale yellow in color. It culminates May 14th.

Alhena (al-hen'-ä), (γ) Geminorum, "a brand on the right side of the camel's neck," or a "ring" or "circlet."
Situated in the right foot of Pollux. White in color, and culminates Feb. 8th.
Alhena is sometimes called Almeisam.