Popular Books on Astronomy
History of Astronomy
By George Forbes, M.A., F.R.S., M.Inst. C.E.
Formerly Professor of Natural Philosophy, Anderson's College, Glasgow
16mo, Adequately Illustrated Net 75 cents.
(By mail, 85 cents)
No. 1. A History of the Sciences Series
The author traces the evolution of intellectual thought in the progress of astronomical discovery, recognizing the various points of view in the different ages, giving due credit even to the ancients. It has been necessary to curtail many parts of the history, to lay before the reader in unlimited space enough about each age to illustrate its tone and spirit, the ideals of the workers, the gradual addition of new points of view and of new means of investigation.
The Volume is divided as follows:
The Geometrical Period—The Dynamical Period— Observation. The Physical Period
The Solar System
A Study of Recent Observations
Professor of Astronomy in Columbia University
8vo, With Frontispiece in Photogravure, 6 Plates and 32 Cuts and Figures. No. 18, Science Series, Net, $2.00
(By mail, $2.20)
The subject is presented in untechnical language and without the use of mathematics. Professor Poor shows by what steps the precise knowledge of to-day has been reached and explains the marvellous results of modern methods and modern observations.