Page:Field Notes of Junius Henderson, Notebook 1.djvu/108

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as its tributaries find their sources in Green Mountain Green Mountain, Colorado, a foothill to the west. In the street south of the schoolhouse at the SE corner of the schoolyard we found a new trench 8 feet deep which did not reach bed rock , while a short distance E the Denver sandstone came to the surface. Then a little further it dropped again. The first mentioned drop was evidently a lateral gulch, while the other was the original bluffs of the South Platte Valley South Platte River, Colorado, which was afterward filled by the river and since excavated again by the same stream. At Green Mountain Creek Green Mountain Creek, Colorado we found original bluffs of the north side of a valley, perhaps 100 ft. in depth, which was afterwards filled by stream action, and has since been excavated by the creek. Quere (query?), was the filling done by the creek or by the Platte or by joint action of both. I found no break between the deposit and the undoubted river deposit