Page:Field Notes of Junius Henderson, Notebook 1.djvu/38

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cream, bottles, a package for Sievert and 4 cantaloupes. We ate two cantaloupes and a sandwich at the cabin spring, and left there at 1 p.m., reaching the first crossing of North Boulder North Boulder, Colorado at 2 p.m., where we rested 10 minutes. Reached Silver Lake Silver Lake, Colorado at 2:36 and camp at 3 p.m. Markman returned at 1 p.m. with a bagful of birds and mammals including Douglas ? squirrel Sciurrus, , a merlin Falco columbarius, etc. I saw white crowned sparrows Zonotrichia leucophrys and what I took for Audubon warbler Dendroica coronata auduboni. I don’t like the way the clouds are acting. At 3:15 I went down to the Island Lake Dam Island Lake Dam, Colorado and collected water beetles water beetle, leaches leech (sic) and other “beasts”, returning at 5:25. Sievert returned at 4 p.m. with a lot of insects and a cony (sic) which was killed by a hawk hawk]. Saw flickers flicker and warblers warbler. Island lake Island Lake, Colorado is drained quite low and men under direction of Mr. Buffham are building up the dam, so I did not succeed in getting specimens