Page:Field Notes of Junius Henderson, Notebook 1.djvu/62

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Thursday June 14, 1906 June 14, 1906

Up at 6 a.m., got to fossil beds at 9:15; Harry going with me. We took a canteen of water and a little lunch this time. Not quite so hot as yesterday. L. C. Bragg came out from the Agricultural College and spent an hour or so. While he was with us it rained hard and we got soaked. Fossil Ridge appears to extend for at least a mile below (south) camp (or perhaps two) and a mile northeast, so far as we have observed it. The formation much resembles the Hygiene sandstone at Left Hand Creek Left Hand Creek, Colorado, but is full of great concretions of sandstone with an outer coating of iron oxide. It dips to the eastward at a very low angle. This in weathering makes a sloping