Page:Field Notes of Junius Henderson, Notebook 1.djvu/72

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Thursday June 21, 1906 June 21, 1906

Harry and Markman obtained a team and light wagon from Slayton and started back for Eastman’s Reservoir Eastman's Reservoir, Colorado this morning and Dodds and I took our wagon and started for Chalk Bluffs Chalk Bluffs, Colorado ((underline added later)). Had to drive over rough prairie for three miles, with no road, but fortunately found wire fence down and thus arrived some distance. We both walked several miles, Dodds went ahead and found the spring in a ravine in the bluffs. Camped, got dinner at 1:30 and started East on foot to examine formation at 2:15. First visited the isolated conglomerate butte a couple of miles east of camp. Conglomerate consists of pebbles of granite and other igneous rocks, limestone, sandstone, quartz, agate etc., very similar to those we have found lying on the prairie all day yesterday, but here cemented with a highly calcareous cement. This suggests the former extension of the forma