Page:Field Notes of Junius Henderson, Notebook 1.djvu/79

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Hilton gave us. Very cold northeast wind. Cloudy. Broke camp at 8:35 a.m. and started east Reaching Grover Grover, Colorado on the B and M RR at 3 p.m. a distance of 16 miles in 6 hours and 25 minutes. We had a cold head wind and rain all the way and poor roads. Camped in the lee of the school house barn at Grover Grover, Colorado and turned horses into school yard. We were all wet and thoroughly chilled. Had a good dinner of salmon loaf covered with peas, then went to store, then built a fire in the camp stove at entrance of tent and sat somewhat comfortably in the tent. All retired at 8 p.m.

Sunday June 24, 1906 June 24, 1906

Rained nearly all night, quite hard at times. Hard wind part of the night. Sun shining this morning but still cloudy, wind changed to westerly. Rained again while we were getting breakfast of mush and milk and crackers. At 10:30 we started to move camp.