Page:Field Notes of Junius Henderson, Notebook 2.pdf/56

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Nearly a mile north of the road there is either a fault or fold in the Dakota, N and S, thus (( drawing in field book)). Exposures too poor to determine the exact condition.

Ft. Collins Ft. Collins, Colorado, Oct 10, 1907 October 10, 1907

Left hotel Forks Hotel, Livermore, Colorado at 7:30 on a horse from the stable back of Bell’s which makes a specialty of saddle horses. Road west on road which crosses the railroad at the Passenger depot. At mouth of gulch found Niobrara and Benton in usual position, all covered except basal Niobrara limestone, which makes a low ridge. The lower Benton, however, has been rather extensively quarried for brick making south of the road, making a fair exposure, in the upper part of which I found a thin bed of Ostrea Ostrea, apparently the same undescribed species found at Six Mile Six Mile, N of Boulder Boulder, Colorado, and in the