of habits and calls, must be the spotted owl . It sits on cliffs or in trees and barks two notes, a slight pause, then two more etc thus: kwack-kwack; kwack-kwack, etc. but more like the bark of a dog than those letters indicate, it being impossible to reproduce the overtones by symbols. Saw cliff swallows .
In afternoon I went upstream. Shot two lizards (swifts) but they were badly mutilated by the shot. Also shot a red shafted flicker and a chipmunk and skeletonized them.
Owl hooted again in evening, not in pairs of hoots, as I recollected last night's performance, but several in succession.
Rito de los Frijoles, N. M. Thursday, Aug. 18, 1910 .
Cloudy morning. Robbins, Santiago (an Indian) and I started on horseback up the north rim of the canyon at 7:30 a.m., then over the trail leading to Buckman . About two miles up the trail we killed a tufted ear squirrel . Saw lots of pigmy nuthatches and chestnut backed bluebirds , several sparrow hawks, Rocky Mt. hairy woodpeckers ,