Rifle, Colo. , May 18, 1910
Reached here at 12:45, got to bed at 1 a.m. Arose at 6:30, having slept well. Bright and much warmer this morning. Slept and breakfasted at the Winchester Hotel , $1.50. ((This hotel, of appropriate name for the town, was a Colorado landmark that was torn down in the 1960's. I Slept there once in December, 1961, and it was both clean and cheap, the room only being $2.50 then.)) The Little Book Cliffs look very near, and very light gray in color. River in a secondary bottom, the terraces being 75 to 100 ft, high on the south side. Stage started for Meeker at 8:15 a.m. Round trip fare $8.00. Did not get out of town until 8:45, with 7 adults, 4 children and a heavy load of baggage. Yellowthroats and orioles common at Rifle . First change of horses at 11:05, 12 miles from Rifle . About a mile further we found the slide which occurred a month or two ago. The slide continued for 8 days, a hundred yards or more wide, the head being 1/4 or 1/2 mile up slope, the tongue extending about 100 ft. beyond old road, covering it to a depth of 25 feet or more. Cedars ((prob. J. virginiana)) all along the top of the slide are toppled in all directions. Reached Piceance Creek Stage Station at 1 p.m. and stopped for dinner, 50¢. At 3:30