walked to the new marine biological station, a mile or two up the beach. None of the staff were there, so at 11 oclock Nellie started back to the hotel. I started later and caught up with her just as she reached town. We went to the old biological station, met Prof. Torrey, of the University of California, and Prof. Childs, of Chicago, Prof. And Mrs. Ritter not being there. At 12:30 we dined at the Crescent Cafe , in the bath house, 50¢ each. It was an excellent meal. Then we bought some ham, fruit and 4 cantaloupes for 65¢ and packed the specimens for shipment. At 3:30 p.m. we started down the beach and collected a large number of small specimens, including several species of limpets , Crepidula and Amalthea . Returned at 6 p.m. and turned our boxes over to Holsten's Transfer Co. , to be expressed by Wells Fargo Express tomorrow. Transfer charges 15¢. Lunched (sic) at Crescent Cafe , 75¢ including waiter. After lunch, a local band played on the corner near the hotel. It was the worst music