Page:Fighting Back (1924).pdf/134

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spectacular exploits. So the government now supports him?"

"Yes," says Maida. "Some years ago the harried authorities made a bargain with the old rascal which included a grant of land and practically every luxury, in return for his laying down arms and disbanding his followers. This beautiful hacienda was part of the transaction."

"I see," says Kid Roberts politely. Then he looks sideways at Maida. "And you?" he asks.

Maida hesitates, but only for a instant. "Pancho's—eh—health has been failing of late," she answers. "I am employed here as a nurse."

"The lucky stiff!" busts out Ptomaine. "If I was him, I never would get well!"

Maida thanked him with a blush.

"Do you know, I'd be awfully glad to meet Nogales," says the Kid. "Do you think—"

"I'm sure Pancho would be more than delighted to meet the famous Kid Roberts," butts in Maida quickly. "Come, I shall arrange it at once!"

That was the most unfortunate invitation we ever accepted in our lives!

Well, we got by the sentries, which give everybody but Maida hungry looks and fingered their rifles regretfully when we filed into the patio. Then we had to pass inspection before a couple of highly suspicious secretaries, Maida doin' all the explainin', before we're fin'ly ushered into the presence of Pancho Negales himself.

The bozo which was to play such a important and