Page:Fighting Back (1924).pdf/146

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dollars that you will defeat Señor Young. Does that sound like a joke?"

"But, see here!" says the Kid excitedly, "you can't do a thing like this, you know. I—we—"

"You pledged me your word of honor that you would help me!" Pancho reminds him, "I am asking nothing dishonorable. I will pay both you and Sejfior Young handsomely for your services. I have a ring, gloves, and the other impedimenta at hand. I have planned this coup carefully for weeks. You, Señor Roberts, most opportunely appeared. Señor Young was brought here upon the pretence that he was to dine with high Government officials, with a view to straightening out the difficulty of holding the fight at Tia Juana. So you see—"

"Suppose I hadn't appeared and Young had refused to come?" butts in the Kid, half laughin'.

"Señor Roberts!" says Pancho pleasantly, "there are many who are still faithful to Pancho Nogales. I would have had both of you kidnapped. It is a thing I have been known to do well!"

"But how will my fighting Bob Young in any way affect your enemies?" persists the Kid.

"They will lose a half million dollars when you win!" hisses Pancho.

"I may lose," suggests Kid Roberts.

"The moon may be made of cheese, señor," answers Pancho, with a wink and a curl of his lip.

Somewhat to my alarm, Kid Roberts appears to be considerin' the thing seriously. He turns to me with knitted brow.